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First Post

Join the conversation. I hear the phrase a lot now when talking with other PR professionals about the social media explosion. Listen. Respond. Create. Blog and vlog. Tweet. So I signed up for a class at UCLA Extension about social media best practices for communications pros. Start blogging, said Erik Deutsch, class creator, instructor and social media/PR guy. So I am starting a blog. It is going to be about things I find interesting, obviously, which are in no particular order — writing, social media, Los Angeles, Tulsa (that’s Oklahoma, OK?) and whatever else seems interesting.   


My first post, then, is about the importance of showing up. Someone famous somewhere said that just showing up was a very large part of being successful. I don’t take that to mean that just by having a blog I will be a successful blogger. But I will post twice a month, and join the conversation, hopefully with something interesting to say.



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