I set an ambitious goal for my Thanksgiving break: to read five books. While I didn’t quite get through all of them, I managed 3.5—and I’m still counting it as a win. Here’s a quick rundown of the books I tackled and my thoughts on each: 1. Going Infinite by Michael...
TikTok's a goldmine for Amazon shopping blunder videos. People order stuff without a care, and then, surprise! You just spent a hundred dollars on a doll's chair when you thought you were buying something for humans to sit on. Here’s my literary version. I had...
As the calendar flips to its final pages, I find myself curled up in my snug home office, surrounded by a comforting sea of books. This little room, which also moonlights as a bedroom, is where I've spent many hours, lost in the world of words and ideas. In my hands,...
I am looking for my birth mother, Anna Lipinski. I have a birth certificate naming Adam Kuderewski as my father, but my birth certificate lists me as Female Lipinski, born Green Point Hospital, Brooklyn, NY. DOB: 6/23/1944.
I was adopted by Raymond & Florence Myers from NJ when I was a month old.
Any formation you can supply will be greatly appreciated
I wish you good luck with your search! Not sure our Anna Lipinski is who you are seeking. She was married to Peter Lipinski and they raised five children in Pennsylvania.